Prompt: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself…
Prompt: Beyond your impressive academic credentials and extracurricular accomplishments, what else makes you unique and colorful? We know nobody fits…
Essay: Mentoring for the Challenger Baseball League on my spring Sunday afternoons simply brings me joy. In a way, I…
Prompt: Please tell us what from your current and past experiences (either academic or personal) attracts you specifically to the…
Essay: I splash water on my face as I stand before the bathroom mirror. In its reflection, I see the…
Prompt: In the extracurricular activities section, there was an optional paragraph to explain the importance of one extracurricular. Essay: My…
Prompt: Your intellectual life may extend beyond the academic requirements of your particular school. Please use the space below to…
Prompt: Applied to Emory University Essay: I had never built a chair before; so, I dedicated one day to researching,…
Essay: November 24th, 2016: The trolley dilemma, posed by my aunt. November 1st, 2017: The trolley dilemma, posed by my…
Prompt: The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you…