
Autumn’s Arrival

“Autumn’s Arrival”


Elegant branches of great trees

Wise grandmasters enlightening

Youthful pupils





to the damp ground 


graceful landing

soft whispers 

a new layer to a colorful carpet. 


Gentle sun 

through overhead leaves

a glow radiating

scarlets and golds and honeys and ambers


a warm luminescence. 


Sunlight filtered 

Through the awning of leaves 

dappled incandescence.

Thick leafy canopy 

pools of shadow 

just enough to the imagination. 



earthy aroma 

rose up from the ground 

into the air. 

Acorns and nuts 

hit the ground

squirrels and chipmunks scrambling

Blue Jays and finches 

eager to help 

bushes struggling under the weight 

Of plentiful red winter-berries 



their pale

bulbous heads 

peeking out 

from the array of fallen leaves. 


The sharp air 

poignantly sweet


a clear crispness


Autumn had crept upon the world quietly

shy hints 

the falling of a leaf, 

the moments of faint darkness 

before the sun peeked over the horizon, 

the unfamiliar bite of cold 

in the early mornings – 

but the line was still blurred. 


Bright, bold sun

humid afternoons

undeniable green of the trees, 

Was it still summer? 


But suddenly after

an unusually chilly night

pitter-pattering of rain on glass 

resonant rumbling of thunder

whooshing of wind on the window pane

warm layers of blankets and soft pillows 


Trees had gone from emerald to ruby 

hues seeping together 

a watercolour amber. 


Only, “watercolour” was not the correct word.

gone was the haziness of late summer

the features of the land had defined distinctly 

blurred edges sharpened 

a crystal clarity. 


The remnants from the night’s storm 

glazed the world

a glassy glimmer

the uniquely fresh after-rain scent

filled the air


Autumn had revealed herself

with a grand glamour

casting her spell overnight

dusting every leaf 

every stem

every root 

with a sparkling crispness. 

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