We Were Liars, a critically acclaimed psychological horror novel by E. Lockhart explores the vulnerable themes of lies, loss, and greed. This novel follows the story of Cadence and her family who spend every summer on their private island. Cadence suffers from amnesia from a head injury and cannot remember how it happened or anything from that summer. The novel explores Cadence’s thoughts as she returns to the island and tries to remember the truth about the night of her accident.
Lockhart organizes this novel in a unique structure. The majority of the story is written in prose but occasionally will switch to the format of a poem. This writing style may not be for everyone, but I enjoyed it because I thought it added depth to the characters and their emotions. The emotions, feelings, and dialogue are all so vivid that you can’t help but feel connected to the characters. Lockhart does a masterful job of creating an incredible plot twist that leaves the reader spellbound. This entire novel is filled with a plethora of meaningful metaphors that provide commentary on the complexities of our world currently. Lockhart delves into the intricate ideas of class, race, wealth, and greed throughout this riveting and beautifully written novel.