You must let your feelings go
Like a bird in the sky
Because if you keep them caged
They may never say bye
Regrets will eat away at you
Thoughts about what you could’ve done
But at the end of the day what is done is done
so you must let it go
Let that bird fly free and let your
feelings roam
Let it go
Let her go
Let him go
Let yourself grow
Holding on to them is holding yourself back
You will find many people to hold onto for an eternity
But those people are like needles in a haystack
Allow yourself to move on
Move along this path we call life
For if you keep holding on to feelings of the past
Your future feelings may snap and crash
And possibly die
I wish that feelings could stay dormant inside me
as if it was sleeping
But sadly feelings grow
Thats is something everyone knows
And everyone including you
Must learn to just let it go
Move on and let yourself grow