College Essays

Rice University

Third grade Show and Tell: the epitome of anxious excitement. My arms wrapped around my treasure as I narrowly avoided tripping over a tree root. That was close. I could imagine no greater disaster than demolishing the innumerable hours of meticulous building: my Lego creations were my greatest pride. 
While I no longer present Lego projects to my peers, I harbor the same love of building and designing. Be it building rockets with my father, piecing together my desk, or layering paints on a canvas, I have always been drawn to creating. In high school, I’ve become fascinated with the puzzles of physics, converting physical descriptions into solvable mathematical problems.
 I had once thought of art and physics as polar opposites, but I now realize that they they intertwine: imagine the beauty of the rainbow of light refracted through glass, the symmetry of a snowflake, and even the intricate spirals of the universe. A beautiful design, when coupled with physics, develops into product. With the goal of creating beautiful functionality in mind, I hope to study both mechanical engineering and art at Rice.

Tips for Writing: 
Think about times in your life when you felt passionate–what were you doing at that moment? Put the reader in the situation using sensory details. Make sure you write genuinely–your voice will come through stronger.

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